Our Christian life is an eternal relay. A baton was handed to us by the previous generation and we have a responsibility to hand it over to the next. THIS IS OUR LEGACY!
We are excited to hear Lloyd and Judy Hansen speak on “Living a Legacy”. They have attended Frontline since 2014 and serve as leaders of a small group and members of the prayer team. The couple has two children, eight grandchildren and are expecting their first great grandchild in November.
So…If you enjoy cooking and sharing a favorite soup or chil, COME!
If you enjoy eating delicious food, COME!
If you are interested in hearing about “Living a Legacy”, COME!
If you enjoy gathering with old and new friends, COME!
Whatever the reason, COME!
You do NOT need to enter the cook-off in order to join us at this event.
Saturday, October 15
12:00 doors open for tasting and voting
12:30 lunch served including chile/soup,
salad bar and homemade pie
“Living a Legacy” by Lloyd and Judy
You can sign up for this event online at or at the 50+ table in the church lobby. Registration ends October 9.