Guatemala Missions Trip - Fall 2022

This fall God has presented an opportunity for the Zero Collective to partner with Global Faith Network for a vision trip from October 29 to November 4. The main goal of this trip is to serve as people loved by God. As a team, we hope to serve in a variety of ways including visiting and helping at local ministries, serving at a feeding program, providing fresh fruits and vegetables and purified water to poor communities, assisting and encouraging teachers in those communities, as well as whatever other opportunities the Lord gives us.

Although we will be serving in a variety of ways, this trip is not primarily about doing; it is about growing stronger as a disciple of Jesus and experiencing God’s work in the world. It will be an opportunity to encourage our Guatemalan brothers and sisters in Christ and we in turn can be encouraged by them. Our hope is that through God showing us what He is doing in Guatemala, upon return home to the states, our team will have a renewed passion to obey and live out the Great Commission in our workplaces and neighborhoods.

We're excited to be partnering with our sister Zero Collective church, The Center Church, for this trip. Please keep the 6 people going in prayer as they prepare to leave next week! We'll be providing trip updates on our Facebook and Instagram accounts- be sure to follow us there to hear how God is moving!

Zero Collective