
Lets talk tithing….

Use this resource as a tool to introduce tithing or to explain tithing in more detail to your children.

What is Tithing?

Tithing is part or a portion of your money that you give back to God and your church.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Living a life for Jesus requires us to have healthy spiritual habits. Those spiritual habits include studying His word, prayer, worship, giving, stewardship and tithing.

  • Bible study is reading and studying the Bible to learn what God says.

  • Prayer is talking and listening to God.

  • Worship is how you show God how much you love Him by praising and worshiping Him.

  • Giving is sharing your money, time, talents and possessions with others.

  • Stewardship means using things you are in charge of in a careful and responsible way.

  • A tithe is part of your money that you give back to God and your church.

Generous giving includes your money, things you own, your time, and sharing your talents. A tithe is giving back at least 10 percent of what He has given you. An offering is something you willingly offer back to God. God wants you to have a good attitude about giving. Giving demonstrates your love and thankfulness for what God had done for you.

Ways to model cheerful giving to your children:

  • Model a thankful heart. Express aloud your thankfulness for God's provision of your family's daily needs.

  • Explain that we are the managers, not the owners of all the resources God has placed in our care. Model good stewardship for them as your family decides how to spend money.

  • Explain how money is used when it is given to the church.

  • Participate in ministry and missions opportunities as a family so your children can see their tithes at work.

  • When God provides for your family in unexpected ways in times of need, call attention to His faithfulness by having a special time of prayer and thanksgiving.

Ways to practice giving with your children:

  • Have three jars and label them save, give and spend. As your child earns money help guide them in splitting their money among the three jars. Once they have a certain amount in the give jar, guide your child to tithe that money to the church.

  • In additional to tithing you can guide your child in buying things for charities. A few examples could be buying a few cans of food to donate to Hand 2 Hand or toilet paper and shampoo to donate to the Essentials Store. Allow the child to pick the items to give and pay for them themselves. Go together to drop the items off to the organization you are donating to.

Zero Collective