February 13th 2022
The beginning of a new year comes with great anticipation. We seek out new goals, new habits, new rhythms. We want to be new - we want to be different. As a church, we believe that different happens when we pursue the God who pursues us. Every part of Scripture reveals a loving God’s pursuit, and how it leads us into a new, different way of living. In this series, we’re going to explore the four major parts of God’s Story: a good creation, the pain of sin, the glory of redemption, and the hope of eternity. Join us Sunday as we journey back to the God who pursues His people.'
Upcoming Event:
Women’s Event: FRIDAY MARCH 4 - 5:30PM-9:30PM SATURDAY MARCH 5 - 9AM-4P
Men’s Retreat: MARCH 18-19
For more information on the Womens IF: Gathering and Ments retreat visit https://www.frontlinegr.com/retreats
(Fiscal Year Began June 1, 2021)
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David Doerner | Teaching Pastor
Exodus 30:6-10 (NIV)
Put the altar in front of the curtain that shields the ark of the covenant law—before the atonement cover that is over the tablets of the covenant law—where I will meet with you. “Aaron must burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning when he tends the lamps. He must burn incense again when he lights the lamps at twilight so incense will burn regularly before the Lord for the generations to come. Do not offer on this altar any other incense or any burnt offering or grain offering, and do not pour a drink offering on it. Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns. This annual atonement must be made with the blood of the atoning sin offering for the generations to come. It is most holy to the Lord.”
Isaiah 59:1-3 (NIV)
Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt. Your lips have spoken falsely, and your tongue mutters wicked things.
Hebrews 9:6-7 (NIV)
When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.
Hebrews 9:8-9 (NIV)
The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still functioning. This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper.