Guatemala - Day 5


Here's an update from Center Church member, Jeremiah!

Today was our final day in Guatemala that included a trip to Antigua. After a few very early mornings the past couple of days we were able to start things off a bit later in the morning. However, because it was our last day it included saying a few goodbyes. The team said goodbye to Gloria “Lupe” before heading out for the day and appreciated her blessings and thoughtfulness for us while a guest in the house. I also said good bye to Luis (master chef), Tono (master driver), Alex (co-leader of Cenma market collection ), and Axel (co-leader of Cenma market collection and water purification team) that are part of the host team in Guatemala. They are really great men that I was able to get to know this week and see their commitment to helping spread the gospel through their work in Guatemala. Relationships matter in this work and they know how to build them and connect with others. This is an important thing we need to remember as we look for ways to share the gospel.

On our way to Antigua we made a quick stop at Santo Domingo del Cerro - Cultural Park. This park provide a great view of three volcanos (Aqua, Fuego, and Acatenango). More importantly, it provided time for the team to hear Jose’s personal story of how his ministry journey got started, the trials it has had, the connections with Global Faith Network, and great successes through God’s grace. This is important to learn more about as The Zero Collective continues to bring teams to Guatemala and grows it relationship with Global Faith Network. Again, relationships matter and that’s the only way we will be successful in this partnership and its work.

That is my biggest takeaway thus far as I continue to process my experience and what I will do with it once I return home. Their is no doubt that God is doing great things through many people in Guatemala and I really enjoyed experiencing it with this team. The pastors and volunteers in Guatemala have many different lived experiences and use their experiences to shape their style and delivery of sharing the gospel. The challenge for all reading this is to ask yourself- How has God worked through me and how will I share it with others?


Zero Collective