Guatemala - Day 4

Today’s update is from Jess, the Missions Resident at Frontline.

Wowie zowie, what a day. Our morning started with a 2 hour drive to Pacaya Volcano with Pastor Shorty; pastors & leaders from churches in his network, along with the staff of Global Faith Network. Once we got there we got to hiking up the volcano - definitely challenging. We got to experience a powerful moment though when we took time to stop half way up and circle around the leaders & pastors and take a moment to pray for them and over their ministries.

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Zero Collective
Guatemala - Day 3

Today was another awesome day of exploring Guatemala City, connecting with people, and seeing firsthand how God uses this ministry to serve the materially poor. What impacted me the most was seeing how God truly works miracles and sets up divine appointments throughout each of our times serving in the community.

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Zero Collective
Guatemala - Day 2

From start to finish, today was filled with games and laughter. Early this morning we prepared for the neighborhood children to come to the campus. These kids come from Zone 18, the most notorious area for crime and being under-resourced.

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Zero Collective
Guatemala - Day 1

Wow, what a journey it has been already! We got in about 4 hours later than expected on Saturday night because of some delays in Houston. Broken airplane engine generator, a replaced flight crew, and 2 medical emergencies later (not from our team), our plane was finally airborne

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Zero Collective
Guatemala Missions Trip - Fall 2022

This fall God has presented an opportunity for the Zero Collective to partner with Global Faith Network for a vision trip from October 29 to November 4. The main goal of this trip is to serve as people loved by God. As a team, we hope to serve in a variety of ways including visiting and helping at local ministries, serving at a feeding program, providing fresh fruits and vegetables and purified water to poor communities, assisting and encouraging teachers in those communities, as well as whatever other opportunities the Lord gives us.

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Zero Collective